
We estimate that millions of household consumers in England are affected – are you one of them?

Are you a household customer (i.e. are you being provided with sewerage services at premises principally used as a home)?

Have you paid a water bill to one or more of the following proposed defendants since 1 April 2017?

  • Thames Water
  • United Utilities
  • Severn Trent
  • Yorkshire Water
  • Northumbrian Water
  • Anglian Water

Are you a non-household customer (this includes businesses, charities and not-for-profit organisations, and public bodies in UK)?

Have you paid for the provision of sewerage services provided by one or more of the following proposed defendants since 1 April 2017?

  • Thames Water
  • United Utilities
  • Severn Trent
  • Yorkshire Water
  • Northumbrian Water
  • Anglian Water

As a non-household customer, you could be paying for your wastewater services to one of those water companies either directly or through a wastewater retailer (see more information here).

Please check your water bill if you are not sure how you are paying for your wastewater services or visit the Open Water website to find a list of current water retailers here.

Are you a water bill account holder?

Do you pay your local authority, landlord or mobile home site owner for water as part of your rent?

You are likely a member of the proposed classes and could receive compensation if the proposed claims are successful (see more information here).

The relevant period for the proposed claims varies depending on the proposed defendant. Please click here to check the relevant period that applies to each water company.

If the proposed Claims were certified, those who are domiciled in the UK and fall within the class definition (see more information here) will automatically be included in the claims, and will be bound by any judgment or settlement, unless they chose to opt-out.

Those who are not domiciled in the UK but do fall within the class definition and wish to participate in the claims would have the opportunity to opt-in to the claims.

More information regarding the opt in and opt-out register will become available on this website once the claims are certified. To monitor the progress of the claims, please visit this website regularly and register to receive periodic email updates, here.

You are likely a member of the proposed classes and could receive compensation if the proposed claims are successful (see more information here).

The relevant period for the proposed claims varies depending on the proposed defendant. Please click here to check the relevant period that applies to each water company.

If the proposed claims are certified, those who are found to be domiciled in the UK and fall within the class definition (see more information here) will automatically be included in the claims, and will be bound by any judgment or settlement, unless they chose to opt-out.

Those who are not domiciled in the UK but do fall within the class definition and wish to participate in the claims would have the opportunity to opt-in to the claims.

More information regarding the opt in and opt-out register will become available on this website once the claims are certified. To monitor the progress of the claims, please visit this website regularly and/or register to receive periodic email updates, here.

Professor Roberts is bringing claims on behalf of all persons who paid for wastewater services provided to household customers, by six water companies during the relevant period. As you did not pay for a wastewater services provided to household customers by any of the six proposed defendants you are likely not a member of the proposed classes in these UK proceedings. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact enquiries@waterclaimsuk.co.uk. You can continue to monitor the progress of the claim by visiting this site regularly as well as by registering to receive periodic email updates from the proposed class representative here.